Monday, January 2, 2012

Pre-natal Hamburger

As some of my readers from way back may remember, I've recently discovered Five Guys.  Having grown-up on the West Coast, I've always been an In-n-Out Hamburger fan, but alas, there are none out here in Colorado.  Well, I think Five Guys fills that void!  While some may consider it blasphemous, I think Five Guys does give In-n-Out a run for their money.  Especially their fries -- which are amazing and plentiful. I've always thought In-n-Out fries were meh...

Anyway, the other night, DH and I had date night (since my mom was in town and could watch DS).  Did we go to our favorite French bistro?  No!  We went to Five Guys and our entire meal lasted maybe 40 minutes tops, including conversation.  We were home before DS' bedtime.  : )  Anyway, because I am always famished and my eyes are bigger than my stomach (natch), we ordered 3 burgers between the two of us.  I'm a little concerned about being SO hungry all the time ALREADY, because for DS, I gained 40+ lbs (on a 110 lb frame).  I'm probably +10 lbs from back then too.

Just writing about this is making me crave a burger.  Anyway, in my last pregnancy, DH said I could have one random craving request per trimester (like he would make a special trip in the middle of the night to get food).  I only redeemed two.  So I have one banked!  Not two days after our Five Guys date night, I requested another Five Guys burger.  By the time he handed me the burger, went to say good night to DS, the burger was gone.  And this was after I already ate dinner.

So, instead of a prenatal vitamin, I propose a prenatal hamburger!  If not for it being insanely unhealthy, I would be all over it!  Mmmm...


  1. Porkchop, that is so funny! I wish we had a 5 Guys here in Oxford. I'm surprised we don't. Maybe it is better that we don't! I've been eating alot of fried oysters from a local restaurant in town- random craving. I think it's good you are eating now, there probably won't be much room for 5 guys burger and fries later on!

  2. Oooh... fried oysters! Very creative craving! : ) Oh, I bet I could fit that food in later too. : ) Take care and Happy New Year!

  3. I just got telling my husband today that I can't wait to start eating again. I am not sick but I can hardly eat a thing. A 5 guys just opened up within walking distance from me so I am sure once this 1st trimester is over I will be able to enjoy all the foods I once did. Keep us posted on the weaning of the drugs!

  4. That's horrible re: your not feeling like eating. I think I also eat to try to mask my nausea too. Not sure if that helps... : \ Yay on 5 Guys being walking distance -- that would be DANGEROUS for me. : ) It's great being in touch w/ you!

  5. That burger looks amazingly delicious!!! The fries too. I just ate a huge dinner and I think I'm already hungry again. lol

  6. *drool* 5 Guys is awesome! We don't go often, but now I am going to have to go this week! I probably won't be able to finish the burger though cuz the metformin is still killing my appetite or I will just stuff myself too far lol!

  7. Never been to a Five Guys or an In and Out. So I have nothing to compare it to. I guess I'll have to find an In and Out here in WA and let my carnivorous husband have at it.

  8. 5 guys all the way! In and out just doesn't do it for me. That burger makes me want a burger....I would love if they were a prenatal substitute!
